By offering professional development programs for member banks, the Western Bankers Association (WBA) aims to educate and connect bankers to help them achieve personal and organizational excellence through conferences, seminar trainings, webinars, and enhanced education.
As the in-house Graphic Designer, I was responsible for the design and production of all marketing collateral while maintaining a consistent visual style in accordance with brand guidelines.
Publication design materials that I worked on included brochures, flyers, magazine ads, and other forms of text-based documents, a few of which are featured below. Most of these were distributed in print format and others digitally via email campaigns or published to the company website.
One-page flyers were commonly used as seat drops at on-site events, posted on the website for online viewing, and/or distributed via email campaigns. Print flyers were standard letter-sized (8.5" × 11"). Online-based PDFs included interactivity with clickable hyperlinks (or buttons) as needed.
WBA Membership Benefits Brochure
This informational guide advertised WBA membership benefits and was distributed among prospects and existing member banks (for renewal). The complete 12-page guide — formatted in landscape orientation — is shown below with all pages displayed.
WBA Strategic Partner Membership Benefits Brochure
This brochure advertised opportunities and benefits provided to endorsed partners and associates of WBA. Below is a selection of spreads within the 16-page brochure which was both mailed and distributed electronically.
Event Brochure
Below are the front cover and spread from an event brochure for prospective attendees. Conference destinations were and are still a major point of interest for these attendees, so it was common for these types of brochures to prominently feature resort and/or city landmark photos on the front cover.
The spread contains a partial schedule of conference sessions and activities that spanned multiple days. Each session, along with five other concurrent sessions representing multiple topics, is color-coded according to (and aligned under) its corresponding subject matter as seen at the top of the spread.
Event Sponsorship Prospectus
For every WBA conference, a sponsorship prospectus was presented to potential sponsors detailing event information such as the expected turnout with last year's statistics, multiple sponsorship levels with pricing and benefits, and an application form. The prospectus was posted online as a digital PDF (with interactive links) and emailed to recipients.
Magazine Ads
Below are two ad samples from an issue of the WesternBanker magazine, WBA's quarterly print publication. While both ads advertised Web Pass membership benefits, the second full-page ad also listed available webinar topics for the next two upcoming months.